Monday, August 31, 2009


(I'm sorry, goodbye, see you soon.)

I leave to go to Nantes, France tomorrow, where I'll be studying until December.

And all I can think about is how I don't really speak French, but that maybe? With a little extra wine? The language will just flow.

Yeah. That's what I'm banking on.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


I've been home from Nepal for almost a month and half now, and I haven't really accomplished anything. In the time since being home, I have:
1. Built a box out of styrofoam, and called it: 'Research.'
2. Made a large vat of bio-diesel and called it: 'Research.'
3. Rock climbed a lot in Rocky Mountain National Park.
4. Been visited by Megan Ratliff, the volunteer I did my rounds with at Helping Hands in Nepal.

Megan stayed in Nepal for 2 weeks after I came home. Once she was settled back at home in Arizona, she took a quick flight to Colorado to visit me, which, needless to say, was amazing.
But now she's gone, and I have quickly reverted back to my continual state of doing nothing. All this time, and I still haven't managed to write a blog post about my last day in Nepal, when we visisted an orphanage.

Or teach myself Calculus. Still haven't moved on to that one yet.